Warp New terminal for Linux

Written in rust , supper fast.

AI builtin.

Copy/paste like editor …

Must try

Warp is a modern, Rust-based terminal with AI built in so you and your team can build great software faster. The Warp Essentials panel is a rresource center that contains keyboard shortcuts, recent changelogs, and tips for getting started. Access it by clicking on the light bulb icon 💡 or by pressing CTRL-SHIFT-/.


One thought on “Warp New terminal for Linux

  1. Setting warp as default terminal:
    sudo update-alternatives –install /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator x-terminal-emulator /usr/bin/warp-terminal 100
    Open warp when chose “Open in terminal” in context menu:
    Open your default terminal chose preference chose your profile or create one. Customize run command: warp-terminal. Chose keep directory is always
    You can refer to this blog: https://shahriarraka.medium.com/warp-terminal-in-ubuntu-linux-make-it-your-default-terminal-f346bf9af15e
    Happy with warp. Download and join here
    Join codingcat warp team for exciting workflows:
    From codingcat with luve <3

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