[How to] Install resin webserver on centos

Resin is very strong webserver/servlet container  . It really fast and strong ,  it may be keep ~10k  concurrent connection  . This tutorial will help you install Resin as service on Centos

1. Install jdk (best is  jdk7 , skip this step if you already have JDK [5,6,7])


    wget http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/7u2-b13/jdk-7u2-linux-x64.rpm

    rpm -i jdk-7u2-linux-x64.rpm

2.Install resin (current version is 4.0)

    wget http://www.caucho.com/download/resin-4.0.24.tar.gz

    tar xzf resin-4.0.24.tar.gz

    cd resin-4.0.24



    make install

In this step  script configure maybe not work because in .configure :


    $JAVA_EXE -version 2> $tmpname

    grep “1.[678]” $tmpname 1> /dev/null
    if test “$?” != “0″; then
    echo “no”
    java_version=`cat $tmpname`
    as_fn_error $? “Java 1.6 required. ${JAVA_EXE} returned: ${java_version}” “$L
    NENO” 5

   This script will check current  java version is  1.6[7,8] or not . But in centos java version is 1.6.0_23 or 1.7.0

To make it work edit  “1.[678]”  to  grep “1.[678].[0-9]”

continue make and make install

Check resin service ready work

    service resin restart

Check by open http://yourip:8080

Done .

But some task may be you need :
– config port change to 80 instead of 8080
– config admin username/password
– config virtual host
– config memory/heap

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