How to build – develop odoo/odoo addons , modules from source

Build (or install) Odoo (OpenERP) from the source are needed when a developer wants to deep look in how Odoo work.

1.Install postgresql

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
cd odoo/
2.Clone odoo source code

git clone

3.install setup tools and lib
sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools python3-setuptools
sudo apt-get install libsasl2-dev python-dev libldap2-dev libssl-dev

4.create odoo postgres user login
 sudo -u postgres createuser -s odoo

5.install all requirement library
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

6.test Run odoo


7.create module/addon template

./odoo-bin scaffold my_module src/odoo-addons/

8.Active the module in admin GUI

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