Basic Data Manipulation

Read an NIfTI files This is example to read some NIfTI files and execute some basic data manipulation, by using this example code you must be install package oro.nifti,fslr,AnalyzeFMRI first. Download a NIfTI file from Neurohacking_data repository library(oro.nifti) url <- “” destfile <- “SUBJ0001-01-MPRAGE.nii.gz” fname <- file.path(getwd(), destfile) download.file(url, destfile,mode=”wb”) # NIfTI is binaryfile format maskurl <-…

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Transformations and Smoothing

Read an NIfTI file This is example to read a NIfTI file and apply TRANSFORMATIONS AND SMOOTHING , by using this example code you must be install package oro.nifti,AnalyzeFMRI: first. Download a NIfTI file from Neurohacking_data repository library(oro.nifti) url <- “” destfile <- “Output_3D_File.nii.gz” name <- file.path(getwd(), destfile) download.file(url, destfile,mode=”wb”) # NIfTI is binaryfile format T1 <-…

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Visualizing An Image From DICOM File

Read an DICOM file This is example to read a DICOM file and display an image , by using this example code you must be install package oro.dicom first. Download a DICOM file from Neurohacking_data repository library(oro.dicom) url <- “” destfile <- “IM-0001-0001.dcm” name <- file.path(getwd(), destfile) download.file(url, destfile,mode=”wb”) # DICOM is binaryfile format dcm <- readDICOMFile(destfile)…

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Visualizing Images From NIfTI File

Read an NIfTI file This is example to read a NIfTI file and display an image , by using this example code you must be install package oro.nifti) first. Download a NIfTI file from Neurohacking_data repository library(oro.nifti) url <- “” destfile <- “Output_3D_File.nii.gz” name <- file.path(getwd(), destfile) download.file(url, destfile,mode=”wb”) # NIfTI is binaryfile format nii_T1 <- readNIfTI(destfile)…

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