Running on Docker-Compose

Today, i will share you how to create and run Docker-Compose. First, do you know about Docker-Compose :D. Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you use a YAML file to configure your application’s services. Then, with a single command, you create and start all the services from your…

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Recommender system to find music

Problem: I need on building recommender systems to find music that interest users. Solution: I built  a personalized model, and showed the significant improvement provided by personalization. I’m going to explore the song data and the recommendations made by my model. Download: Start: # Use Graphlab library import graphlab # Use Sframe of Graphlab to load data song_data =…

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Compare: PHP vs Python

I. Similar They are advance language, dinamic compile and set type. Open source Developer community is very large Easier to learn with Java, C or Perl Easier to expansion with Java C++ Very portability, run on many platform without recompile code or fix code II. Defference 1. Advantage of PHP: PHP inherit curly braces to…

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