Pagination Search Result in Cakephp 1.1

In previous lesson, i talked about pagination in cakephp 1.1.  In this lesson, i’m going to talk about pagination search result in cakephp 1.1.(like previous method). With PaginationHelper and PaginationComponent in previous lesson, they only help conventional pagination. But, when we add search condition into request, pagination has been error. The reason is that when…

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How To Setup SVN in BlueHost Host

1. Request bluehost for access by ssh 2. Connect to server bt ssh client (PuTTY, Bitvise) 3. Setup ~$mkdir _src ~$cd _src _src$wget _src$wget _src$tar -xzvf subversion-1.4.6.tar.gz _src$tar -xzvf subversion-deps-1.4.6.tar.gz _src$cd subversion-1.4.6 _src/subversion-1.4.6$cd apr _src/subversion-1.4.6/apr$./configure –enable-shared –prefix=$HOME _src/subversion-1.4.6/apr$make && make install _src/subversion-1.4.6/apr$cd ../apr-util _src/subversion-1.4.6/apr-util$./configure –enable-shared –prefix=$HOME –with-expat=builtin –with-apr=$HOME –without-berlekey-db _src/subversion-1.4.6/apr-util$make && make install…

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Using Element in cakePHP

Element is really necessary if we want to use a code more than once in the view or layout. Instead we have rewritten many times in the view with a similar source segment, we just write once in the elements and use them repeatedly. Creating an element used repeatedly in cakephp will be very easy…

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Compare: PHP vs Python

I. Similar They are advance language, dinamic compile and set type. Open source Developer community is very large Easier to learn with Java, C or Perl Easier to expansion with Java C++ Very portability, run on many platform without recompile code or fix code II. Defference 1. Advantage of PHP: PHP inherit curly braces to…

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How To Create A Website With Cakephp

Introduction Download framework Setup and configure cakePHP Setup Configure Example about using cakePHP to manage customer in application web “Manage motel”. Create database Coding Operating model Model Controller View Complete all features of module “Manage motel” 1. Introduction CakePHP is a framework for php that is to provide a framework for developer use php to…

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The Advantage Of PHP

First, PHP have a unique structure, base on “share nothing” philosophy, each thread run  php web server and Zend Engine was done independently, completely freeing resources after the end of the task .This help PHP what is dinamic language and interpreter but with very fast performance, and especially, consuming very little resources. Another point is the HTTP…

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CakePHP Console

Guide: How to generate code with CakePHP Console Start > Run > cmd [enter] cd C:AppServwwwcake_1.2.0.7692-rc3cakeconsole cake -app C:AppServwwwcake_1.2.0.7692-rc3app bake (Parameter -app to specify the path to the app folder C:appservwwwcake_1.2.0.7692-RC3app) Welcome to CakePHP v1.2.0.7296 RC2 Console

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Using Helper TinyMCE in cakePHP 1.2

Using tinyMCE in cakePHP already guide in previous lesson ( However, in this lesson, i am going to guide you how to using tinyMCE through a helper tinyMCE of cakePHP. Setup tinyMCE You can download newest tinyMCE at : and copy /tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce folder to /app/webroot/js folder. Create helper tinyMCE You create a helper tinyMCE  with path…

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