Using tinyMCE in cakePHP already guide in previous lesson ( However, in this lesson, i am going to guide you how to using tinyMCE through a helper tinyMCE of cakePHP.
Setup tinyMCE
You can download newest tinyMCE at : and copy /tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce folder to /app/webroot/js folder.
Create helper tinyMCE
You create a helper tinyMCE with path : app/views/helpers/tinymce.php. You can get source at :
Use in controller
You declare using helper tinyMCE in controller follows
var $helpers = Array('Form', 'Tinymce');
Use in view
Use tinyMCE helper in view will same as use helper forms, html in cakePHP. To declare a textarea using tinyMCE, you only add some code:
<?php echo $tinymce->input('content') ?>
Here are two sample code page to view your reference:
Paragraph 1
<div class="form-container">
<?php echo $form->create('Page'); ?>
echo $form->input('title');
echo $tinymce->input('content');
<?php echo $form->end('Save'); ?>
Paragraph 2: In here, we will config some options of tinyMCE
<div class="form-container">
<?php echo $form->create('Page'); ?>
echo $form->input('title');
echo $tinymce->input('content', null, array(
'theme' => 'advanced',
'theme_advanced_toolbar_location' => 'top',
'theme_advanced_toolbar_align' => 'left',
'theme_advanced_statusbar_location' => 'bottom',
<?php echo $form->end('Save'); ?>
The advantage of using helper tinyMCE is you can choose any textarea what use tinyMCE. We can config each textarea with our idea.