Predicting House Price

My boss give me the challenge “how to predict house prices”. I wondered what to do… It’s difficult because i don’t know what is the feature1 and feature2. How to start? Input Training Content training.csv file features1,features2,price 0.44,0.68,511.14 0.99,0.23,717.1 0.84,0.29,607.91 0.28,0.45,270.4 0.07,0.83,289.88 0.66,0.8,830.85 0.73,0.92,1038.09 0.57,0.43,455.19 0.43,0.89,640.17 0.27,0.95,511.06 0.43,0.06,177.03 0.87,0.91,1242.52 0.78,0.69,891.37 0.9,0.94,1339.72 0.41,0.06,169.88 0.52,0.17,276.05 0.47,0.66,517.43 0.65,0.43,522.25…

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Pagination Search Result in Cakephp 1.1

In previous lesson, i talked about pagination in cakephp 1.1.  In this lesson, i’m going to talk about pagination search result in cakephp 1.1.(like previous method). With PaginationHelper and PaginationComponent in previous lesson, they only help conventional pagination. But, when we add search condition into request, pagination has been error. The reason is that when…

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