How To Setup SVN in BlueHost Host

1. Request bluehost for access by ssh 2. Connect to server bt ssh client (PuTTY, Bitvise) 3. Setup ~$mkdir _src ~$cd _src _src$wget _src$wget _src$tar -xzvf subversion-1.4.6.tar.gz _src$tar -xzvf subversion-deps-1.4.6.tar.gz _src$cd subversion-1.4.6 _src/subversion-1.4.6$cd apr _src/subversion-1.4.6/apr$./configure –enable-shared –prefix=$HOME _src/subversion-1.4.6/apr$make && make install _src/subversion-1.4.6/apr$cd ../apr-util _src/subversion-1.4.6/apr-util$./configure –enable-shared –prefix=$HOME –with-expat=builtin –with-apr=$HOME –without-berlekey-db _src/subversion-1.4.6/apr-util$make && make install…

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Introductory RIA (Rich Internet Application)

Previously when mentioned web , people understand that they are static content through a content development time was able to be customized and become “dynamic” and more interactive. Today the web has made great changes, people mention the social network interaction between people, or the “Web Application” in service jobs that would normally use independent software . RIA…

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