The Advantage Of PHP

First, PHP have a unique structure, base on “share nothing” philosophy, each thread run  php web server and Zend Engine was done independently, completely freeing resources after the end of the task .This help PHP what is dinamic language and interpreter but with very fast performance, and especially, consuming very little resources. Another point is the HTTP…

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CakePHP Console

Guide: How to generate code with CakePHP Console Start > Run > cmd [enter] cd C:AppServwwwcake_1.2.0.7692-rc3cakeconsole cake -app C:AppServwwwcake_1.2.0.7692-rc3app bake (Parameter -app to specify the path to the app folder C:appservwwwcake_1.2.0.7692-RC3app) Welcome to CakePHP v1.2.0.7296 RC2 Console

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Using Helper TinyMCE in cakePHP 1.2

Using tinyMCE in cakePHP already guide in previous lesson ( However, in this lesson, i am going to guide you how to using tinyMCE through a helper tinyMCE of cakePHP. Setup tinyMCE You can download newest tinyMCE at : and copy /tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce folder to /app/webroot/js folder. Create helper tinyMCE You create a helper tinyMCE  with path…

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Function Create Alias From Title

Here is code of  function create alias form title:  /** *This function will replace vietnamese character with latin character,space with ‘-‘ * *@author : noname *@param string *@return string */ function convert2Alias($cs) { $marTViet=array(“à”,”á”,”ạ”,”ả”,”ã”,”â”,”ầ”,”ấ”,”ậ”,”ẩ”,”ẫ”,”ă”, “ằ”,”ắ”,”ặ”,”ẳ”,”ẵ”,”è”,”é”,”ẹ”,”ẻ”,”ẽ”,”ê”,”ề” ,”ế”,”ệ”,”ể”,”ễ”, “ì”,”í”,”ị”,”ỉ”,”ĩ”, “ò”,”ó”,”ọ”,”ỏ”,”õ”,”ô”,”ồ”,”ố”,”ộ”,”ổ”,”ỗ”,”ơ” ,”ờ”,”ớ”,”ợ”,”ở”,”ỡ”, “ù”,”ú”,”ụ”,”ủ”,”ũ”,”ư”,”ừ”,”ứ”,”ự”,”ử”,”ữ”, “ỳ”,”ý”,”ỵ”,”ỷ”,”ỹ”, “đ”, “À”,”Á”,”Ạ”,”Ả”,”Ô,””,”Ầ”,”Ấ”,”Ậ”,”Ẩ”,”Ẫ”,”Ă” ,”Ằ”,”Ắ”,”Ặ”,”Ẳ”,”Ẵ”, “È”,”É”,”Ẹ”,”Ẻ”,”Ẽ”,”Ê”,”Ề”,”Ế”,”Ệ”,”Ể”,”Ễ”, “Ì”,”Í”,”Ị”,”Ỉ”,”Ĩ”, “Ò”,”Ó”,”Ọ”,”Ỏ”,”Õ”,”Ô”,”Ồ”,”Ố”,”Ộ”,”Ổ”,”Ỗ”,”Ơ” ,”Ờ”,”Ớ”,”Ợ”,”Ở”,”Ỡ”, “Ù”,”Ú”,”Ụ”,”Ủ”,”Ũ”,”Ư”,”Ừ”,”Ứ”,”Ự”,”Ử”,”Ữ”, “Ỳ”,”Ý”,”Ỵ”,”Ỷ”,”Ỹ”, “Đ”,” “); $marKoDau=array(“a”,”a”,”a”,”a”,”a”,”a”,”a”,”a”,”a”,”a”,”a” ,”a”,”a”,”a”,”a”,”a”,”a”, “e”,”e”,”e”,”e”,”e”,”e”,”e”,”e”,”e”,”e”,”e”,…

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Begining HTML5 game part 2

To continue Begining HTML5 game part 1 . Download images for this tutorial . (Save s to get zip package) We using simple html5 game framework for develop a card game . Maybe blackjack First, you need create Struct Folder to easy manager when your project become  complex  In WebContent-> index.html : Body part, add…

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Create slick effects with CSS3 box-shadow

Create slick effects with CSS3 box-shadow Drop shadows and inner shadows are some of the effects I learned to apply using Photoshop’s Blending options. But now, since CSS3 “hit the charts”, you don’t need Adobe’s design tool to add a drop shadow or an inner shadow to a box.  Nowadays, the cool thing is that…

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Begining HTML5 game part 1

OK. Let’s start . Do you know HTML ? Create file game.html with content : <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1″> <title>Insert title here</title> </head> <body> </body> </html> Adding some javascript as framework <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1″> <title>Insert title here</title> <script type=”text/javascript”>     function update()     {       …

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[How to] Install resin webserver on centos

Resin is very strong webserver/servlet container  . It really fast and strong ,  it may be keep ~10k  concurrent connection  . This tutorial will help you install Resin as service on Centos 1. Install jdk (best is  jdk7 , skip this step if you already have JDK [5,6,7])     wget     rpm -i…

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